Shadow Advertising
Advertising Rates

How to Place an Ad

Are you wanting to promote your business or products?  Are you wanting to target the landmen industry?  We have several advertising opportunities for your company.  Select the desired advertisement type and use our PayPal BuyNow link to purchase ad space. For more information on developing an Internet marketing strategy and to upload your graphic image and web contact information, contact the owner of this website,
Advertisement Type Graphic Size Cost | Duration
Homepage Large Advertisements
Place a full featured rotating advertisement within the main body of our homepage.   The full advertisement gives you the maximum amount of space to get your message out.  This is a great opportunity to promote your business.  For more information, contact the owner of this website,
425 pixels X 236 pixels
Format: JPG | PNG
$80 | Month
$800 | Year
Job Bank Small Advertisements
Place a rotating advertisement within the main Job Bank page.   This advertisement gives you the space required to get your message out.  For more information, contact the owner of this website,
150 pixels X 225 pixels
Format: JPG | PNG
$40 | Month
$400 | Year

Target Audience - Web Traffic

Our website,, is an excellent location to boost your advertising dollars.  With over 148,728 page views in the last 6 months, and over 6,500 unique visitors per month, you get maximum exposure to a very select audience.  Results of the revamped site were 58,846 page views and 6,055 unique visitors for the opening week.

Web banner and sidebar advertising is a cost-effective and efficient way of marketing your business opportunities, income opportunities, products and services.  Web banner, large, and small ads provide direct traffic to your online business with the a simple click of a mouse.  Placed in high traffic locations landmen ads can easily increase your website traffic and brand awareness.