Company Directory

Please use this form to register ONLY IF you are a brokerage firm and/or exploration company.

After completing the registration process, your information will be logged into our online database and an e-mail will be automatically generated and sent to the webmaster for review and approval, (this manual authorization process is to prevent bots and spammers from posting to the website).

Within 1-2 days you should receive a confirmation e-mail confirming your approval status. Upon approval, you will be able to return to and log in and make modifications to your profile and/or post information to the job bank sub-section of the website.

Thank you.

Welcome LANDMEN.NET.  Please use the form below to register.  NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER MORE THAN ONCE WITH OUR WEBSITE. If you have previously registered, login using your e-mail address and password.  If you do not remember your password, please use the password retrieval system.  If you do not remember your email address you registered with, then contact the site administrator - Email addresses must be unique for companies, no two company accounts can utilize the same email address.

Please provide us with your basic contact information.  As a registered member of, you have the option to post your contact information under the "Company Directory" section of our web.

Company Name (Required):

Primary Contact First Name (Required):

Primary Contact Last Name (Required):

Street Address (Required):

City (Required):

State (Required):

Zip Code (Required Format - Min. 5 / Max 12 Characters):

Primary Telephone (Required Format - Min. 12 Characters):

Secondary Telephone:

Primary Contact E-mail Address (Required):

Webpage URL (https://www. needed or hyperlink will fail.):

Do you want to post your contact information to the Company Directory for free?

If an individual wants to contact your firm, what is the preferred method of communication?
Password (minimum 8 characters):

Verify Password:

Please remember to create a strong password by using a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.  Your account is much weaker if you use a simple password. 

By clicking "Submit" I agree that:
  • I have read and accepted the User Agreement and Privacy Policies.
  • I may receive notification emails from and can change my preferences at
  • I am at least 18 years old.
  • By subscribing to the site subscribers agree the site, its name and contents are the sole property of the owner and cannot be copied or used without written permission of the administer of this site (admin) or it's designated representatives. Both copying and saving links for personal use only is permissible. The subscriber's subscription only covers the use of this site and its contents as reference material only.
Please click "Submit" below to register with Thank you.